Samuel L. Jackson to help develop live-action Afro Samurai

The incipient stream of Comic-Con related news continues to trickle through lesser-known corners of the genre world, bringing us announcements like the one that Samuel L. Jackson is co-producing a big-screen adaptation of Afro Samurai, the popular, self-descriptive manga about a samurai with an Afro. Having already seen some Stateside success as a pair of animated TV miniseries in 2007 and 2009, the producers of Afro Samurai have now turned over the rights to upstart media company The Indomina Group to transform it into a live-action feature with Jackson’s help. The actor provided the lead character’s voice in both of the U.S. series, although it’s not clear whether he’ll have any sort of on-screen role in this new take. Unfortunately, he’s a bit too old for the title role at this point, unless they want to hire someone like Anthony Mackie—or maybe RZA, who handled the show’s music—and then superimpose Jackson’s mouth, Clutch Cargo-style.

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