Sandy Hook fundraiser kindly requests that Megyn Kelly fuck off

Megyn Kelly better hope her interview with hamburger golem Alex Jones gets blockbuster ratings this Sunday, because she’s putting an awful lot on the line in pursuit of those sweet, sweet numbers. J.P. Morgan Chase has already pulled all ads from NBC News in the wake of Kelly’s sit-down with the megalomaniacal conspiracy theorist; in a tweet explaining the move, Chase’s chief marketing officer said she chose to pull the ads due to Jones’ repeated and soulless assertion that the Sandy Hook elementary school massacre—in which 20 children under the age of seven and six adults were brutally murdered—was a hoax.

And now Kelly, who seems to have thought that Jones’ no-doubt musky stink wouldn’t rub off on her, has been dropped as the host of a Sandy Hook fundraiser, according to The Washington Post. Kelly was set to host the Promise Champions Gala, an annual event for the Sandy Hook Promise Foundation, in DC tomorrow night, an invitation that was withdrawn this morning. In a statement, co-founder and managing director Nicole Hockley says: “Sandy Hook Promise cannot support the decision by Megyn or NBC to give any form of voice or platform to Alex Jones and have asked Megyn Kelly to step down as our Promise Champion Gala host. It is our hope that Megyn and NBC reconsider and not broadcast this interview.”

As for Jones, he doesn’t want the interview aired, either—presumably for different reasons—an objection he expressed the only way he knows how: by asserting her unfuckability. Meanwhile, Kelly asserts that it’s important to “shine a light” on Jones, given his buddy-buddy relationship with a certain would-be dictator currently occupying the White House.

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