Sarah Michelle Gellar is a rapping Cinderella

Sarah Michelle Gellar is a rapping Cinderella

In the latest installment of Whitney Avalon’s Princess Rap Battle web series, Sarah Michelle Gellar plays a rapping Cinderella, facing off against Belle (Avalon) and her hypewomen Pocahontas (Nikki Mejia) and Little Red Riding Hood (Courtney Merritt).

Though a bit awkward with her rhythm, Gellar spits better than you might expect. But Avalon’s Belle is without a doubt the winner of the battle, laying it on thick with verses like “if you’re so adored / Where’s your Academy Award / I’m the smart female heroine / That can’t be ignored.” Both women are fiercely committed to the bit, and it’s funny, especially the nastier they get with their disses. And for what it’s worth, Gellar’s Cinderella definitely has a lot more bite than the latest movie iteration of the princess.

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