Sarah Michelle Gellar would return as Buffy The Vampire Slayer, but don’t get your hopes up

Sarah Michelle Gellar returns to television this fall in her first role on a major network, as Robin Williams’ daughter in the David E. Kelley ad agency sitcom The Crazy Ones. But she hasn’t made a film since 2009—and the last wide release she starred in was The Grudge 2 back in 2006—and her last foray into television on the CW’s Ringer ended after one season despite an inexplicably devoted fanbase. With the success of the Veronica Mars Kickstarter, E! asked Gellar about the possibility of reviving her defining role in Buffy The Vampire Slayer, to which she responded with an utmost clarity that surely won’t rile up the series’ fans at all. "Joss and I always talk about [a movie]…but the thing with Buffy is that Buffy was a movie, and it ultimately didn't work as a film. And I mean, we had such miles to overcome when we were trying to do a TV show based on a movie. And one of the reasons is that the story works better over time." And then came the kicker: "If there was ever the right story, we would do it."

Considering Gellar is the one who decided not to renew a contract with UPN and end the television show in the first place, it’s a bit of a strange statement. (And as far as the "right story" goes, she clearly hasn't read the comics.) Joss Whedon doesn’t really have room in his schedule, what with the Avengers sequel, the S.H.I.E.L.D. television series, and the rumored Dr. Horrible sequel. But since Whedon is riding so high on such massive, unqualified success that he can dabble in Shakespeare with his friends, if he ever decided to delve back into the Buffy universe, Gellar would show up and that Kickstarter might break the Internet.

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