Sarah Palin launches her own Internet channel, finally giving you a place to hear Sarah Palin’s opinions

Sarah Palin launches her own Internet channel, finally giving you a place to hear Sarah Palin’s opinions

In what is the perfect marriage of medium and message, Sarah Palin has finally found a home for her political opinions in Internet video logs, which she will publish on her very own Launched this past Sunday night, the digital network promises to cover “the important issues facing the nation,” and how Barack Obama is getting each and every one of them wrong. It will also, at last, allow Sarah Palin to speak her mind freely, without the limitations that have apparently been placed on her until now.

“Are ya tired of the media filters? Well I am. I always have been,” Palin says of the gatekeepers of filtered, lamestream news organizations who sift through her comments, looking for those few damning paragraphs of quotes, or alternately, give her a nightly spot to make more of them. “I want to talk directly to you on our channel, on my terms—and no need to please the powers that be,” says the former governor and vice-presidential candidate, whose commitment to challenging the status quo has long been on display, in TV settings that are already predisposed to her views, and now on an entire Internet channel where she will face no chance of counterpoint.

“Together, we’ll go beyond the sound bites,” says the woman whose entire political persona is based on short, bumper sticker-friendly catchphrases, and whose first video repeats the “hopey-changey” refrain she’s used for four years now. Palin also vows to “cut through the media’s politically correct filter,” which have too long prevented the sort of open, adult discussion Sarah Palin plans to have.

The website for Palin’s unbiased website dedicated to “work[ing] toward solutions” has a ticker that counts the days left in Obama’s administration. It also features a sample video, “We Can’t Be Afraid Of The Scary ‘I’ Word,’” in which Palin lays out the case for Obama’s impeachment through a distorted, mono mic (likely all that she could afford, after Obama gave all the good American mics to illegals), and compares the nation under Obama to a “battered wife” crying, “No mas!”

In case you’re worried that the channel will be dominated by this sort of dry, thoughtful analysis, don’t worry; there some silly things on Sarah Palin’s Channel too. “We’ll also share some of the…. fun that goes on in the Palin household,” Palin haltingly promises in the trailer, before delivering with a shot of her rinsing a salad. The site also has a “Sally’s Word Of The Day” column, from Palin’s “Scrabble-obsessed Mom and her friends,” which will broaden your vocabulary with new words that can be employed in your own diatribes. (Today’s word is “rectitude,” which is defined as “the quality of being honest and morally correct.”)

Palin also touts that the Sarah Palin Channel, despite its breadth of Sarah Palin content, is really about you, promising subscribers the chance to submit her questions and participate in online chats. “That’s what I’m most anxious about,” Palin says, in what some might call a Freudian slip.

Subscription to the Sarah Palin Channel is $9.95 per month or $99.95 for the entire year (or however long Palin sticks with it). Meanwhile, reading Internet comments about “liberals”  is still free everywhere.

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