Sarah Silverman is joining the cast of Masters Of Sex

Riding high on the endorphin rush generated by its first season, Showtime’s Masters Of Sex is currently on a bit of a casting spree. Breaking Bad’s Betsy Brandt was cast last month as the newest in what will hopefully be a long line of administrative assistants, and American Horror Story’s Danny Houston has signed on to play hospital administrator Dr. Douglas Greathouse. But the biggest—and most cryptic—announcement came earlier today as Showtime announced that Sarah Silverman will be joining Season Two in the role of “Helen.”

There’s no word yet on what role, exactly, the mysterious “Helen” will play in the clinically sexy continuing adventures of human sexuality researchers William Masters (Michael Sheen) and Virginia Johnson (Lizzy Caplan). But given Silverman’s talent for delivering offensive material with a wink and a smile, it’s probably going to be something filthy.

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