Satanist video-blogging teen lonelygirl15 may not be legit

Shocker. Apparently the YouTube sensation lonelygirl15 may not actually be a home-schooled 16-year-old with a strange jones for Aleister Crowley on the verge of participating in a ceremony that may or may not happen on October 12, 2006. An L.A. Times article chronicles the attempts of some amateur sleuths to find out lonelygirl15's true identity and it looks like it involves an IP address owned by the Hollywood powerhouse Creative Arts Agency.

The apparent CAA link takes its place alongside other tantalizing pieces of evidence that lonelygirl15 is not who she claims to be: a copyright for the name obtained by an Encino lawyer, and a plot line that, leading speculation suggests, will turn out to be the lead-in to a horror movie's marketing campaign.

CAA spokesman Michael Mand said he "could neither confirm nor deny" that the agency is representing whoever is behind the 27 video posts. (Other talent agencies and production companies contacted by The Times denied any connection.)

So, for those keeping track, here's how the mystery has shaped up:

Phase 1: Is she real or is she fake? (The professional editing and lonelgirl15's well-scrubbed, and suspiciously post-graduate-looking, appearance suggested fake to, well, just about everyone.)

Phase 2: If she's fake, what's she marketing? (A game, a movie, a website, satanic toothpaste?)
and now

Phase 3: If you remove the fig-leaf of "realness" is this still entertaining?

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