Say a little prayer for the My Best Friend’s Wedding TV show

Even as the first series in the great Movie-To-TV-Adaptation Wave of 2015 begins to falter—sorry, Minority Report—Hollywood executives continue to pore over their DVD shelves for new properties to adapt. Next up: 1997’s My Best Friend’s Wedding, with ABC teaming up with the movie’s writer and producers for a sequel to the Julia Roberts-starring film.

For those who aren’t up to date on their Roberts canon, the original film ended with sour-grapes connoisseur Julianne Potter giving up her pursuit of best friend Michael, releasing him to a life of Cameron Diaz-wedded bliss. The TV show would pick up shortly afterward, with Potter returning to New York to “navigate her life” with the help of her other best friend, charming gay dude George. (Rupert Everett, originally, now to be played by someone unlucky enough to spend the next year of his life getting compared to Rupert Everett.) Given that the Julianne of the film is a quasi-sociopath who’s kept just barely likable by dint of being played by Julia Roberts, we can only imagine this new version will dive into full-on Hannibal territory before the fourth episode has even aired. “Say a little prayer,” she’ll sing, stalking toward her latest “romantic” conquest, madness in her eyes, a switchblade in her hand. “Say a little prayer for me.” Cue laugh track.

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