Scans_Daily closes, reopens, sets comics fan against comics fan

For over five years, the members of the Comics LiveJournal community "Scans_Daily" have posted panels, pages, and occasionally even whole stories from new and old comic books, for the purposes of promoting a discussion of their contents. This past Saturday, the site was removed due to Terms Of Service violations after the powers-that-be got wind of the massive amounts of copyrighted material that Scans_Daily had posted over the past half-decade. The comics-reading segment of the internet has been abuzz about this development for the last couple of days, with some trying to determine who filed a complaint against the site—including rampant, oft-debunked speculation that veteran comics writer Peter David was to blame—and some re-opening the complicated debate over whether efforts like "Scans_Daily" help introduce more readers to comics or whether they give existing comics fans a way not to pay for their habit. (As is often the case, Tom Spurgeon at The Comics Reporter sums up the issue neatly, pointing out that even if lengthy scans of comics bring more people to the work, their dissemination should be at the discretion of the creators and/or publishers.)

Meanwhile, just as quickly as Scans_Daily went away, it has come back, as Daily Scans' Journal. But the discussion over what constitutes copyright infringement and what's merely fannish promotion is unlikely to wrap up anytime soon.

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