Scarlett Johansson to star in possibly citrus-related psychological thriller

Though a lot of us are still getting used to seeing her as a purple-haired cyborg in Ghost In The Shell, Scarlett Johansson is already moving on to her next project. According to Variety, she’s attached to star in Tangerine, a psychological thriller based on the book by Christine Mangan. The story says the original book is “set against the simmering political climate of 1950s Morocco,” but that’s about all we know. Amazon doesn’t seem to have a page for Tangerine, publisher Harper Collins doesn’t have one either, and the only thing anybody has to say about it in the Variety story is that it’s an “evocative and electrifying novel.” We can only assume, then, that the book is somehow related to either tangerines the fruit or Tangerine the 2015 movie filmed with an iPhone, neither of which seem especially related to the simmering political climate of 1950s Morocco. Still, at least Johansson’s not playing another comic book/manga character for once.

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