Scoot McNairy hired to act at special effects in Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice

There comes a time in every character actor’s career when he stops stealing scenes from movie stars and starts stealing them from CGI avatars. That time has evidently arrived for Scoot McNairy, who will bring his sharp, eccentric talent and vaguely recognizable face to 2016’s inelegantly titled Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice. The Halt & Catch Fire star joins a ballooning cast list that now includes Henry Cavill, Ben Affleck, Gal Gadot, Amy Adams, Jesse Eisenberg, Jeremy Irons, Laurence Fishburne, Diane Lane, and Game Of Thrones’ Jason Momoa. The creative team hasn’t yet announced what character McNairy will be playing, but the possibilities are endless. A scruffier Jimmy Olsen? An older Robin? A scrawnier Braniac? (He has the forehead for that last role.) Maybe Zach Snyder is just a big Argo fan and wanted to see Affleck save McNairy’s hide again. Though given the off-screen body count of that last Superman movie, Baffleck will probably be busy pulling more high-profile actors out of the rubble. [via Deadline Hollywood]

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