To play a toxic fan, Scream's Jack Quaid trolled Star Wars Reddit

Playing toxic fandom incarnate for the fifth Ghostface outing, The Boys' star went method on The Last Jedi

To play a toxic fan, Scream's Jack Quaid trolled Star Wars Reddit
Jack Quaid Photo: Rich Polk (Getty Images for IMDb)

[This article spoils the plot of Scream 5]

Lots of actors like to claim that they get deep into a character via method acting. But only one is willing to go the distance and put themselves and their loved ones in harm’s way in the name of art. That actor is… Jack Quaid?


In prep for his role in Scream 5 as toxic fandom incarnate, Richie, Quaid did something that’s both incredibly easy and foolhardy: He trolled the extremely chill Star Wars fans on Reddit about a movie no one has an opinion on, The Last Jedi.

Posting under the name /u/StabHead, Quaid took his method acting to /r/LastJedi, where he posted a screed against the film.

I know this gets “too much hate” but cmon this just isn’t what Star Wars is. I didn’t watch a Star Wars movie to think about “grey” areas of the force. I don’t want to “let the past die.” I love the original trilogy! So why would you [SPOILERS] let luke die that way? That’s not who his character is! Sorry I’ve tried to understand but can anyone tell me literally anything that was good about this movie?

There is no one braver. We must stan.

After the post spread on Twitter, Quaid performed a little admin revel, responding, “For the record: Unlike Richie I actually loved TLJ and the people who came to it’s defense after I posted this warmed my nerd-heart.”

Of course, Scream 5 includes a call-out to Rian Johnson’s controversial movie about a Jedi who hides out on a remote planet as an evil empire takes over the Galaxy, something that’s never happened in any Star Wars film. In Scream 5, Johnson is the director of the in-universe Stab 8, which takes too many liberties with the characters and introduces too many “grey” areas. The fans hated it because it “pissed on their childhoods.”

Thankfully, Quaid’s trolling days seem to be behind him. Judging by his Reddit history since the actor seems perfectly content chatting with people about their favorite Scream character, creating polls about toothbrushing, and praising other users for their Spyro The Dragon fan art. Wholesome internet using at its finest.

[via Dextero]

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