Screw the gauntlet, people want to know where Thanos' helmet is

Avengers: Too Many Characters (just kidding!) dropped its first trailer this morning, and the biggest takeaway (aside from Star-Lord’s little ’stache) has to be the wreckage of ultra-villain Thanos, who we’ve seen do little else aside from float through space for three dozen movies now. Though his size and knockout slugs were certainly impressive, it was hard to overlook one particular aspect of the character: that bare, wrinkly noggin.

Thanos, like many comic book characters, has long been known to don a helmet. Hell, he was wearing one in previous movies, so why ditch it now, when he’s actually going into battle? Are you that cocky, dude?

In providing Thanos a hat, however, the Twitter cognoscenti only served to pivot the conversation into a different conversation altogether, that being how much Thanos looks like Bruce Willis.

Sorry, Josh Brolin. You’ve been recast.

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