Sean Hannity devoted a segment of his show last night to shaming “gutless coward” Ryan Adams after a Twitter argument

On Monday, Fox News host Sean Hannity sent out a tweet bemoaning the lack of positive role models for children in a world of Bill Clinton, Anthony Weiner, Alex Rodriguez, and Lance Armstrong. Apropos of nothing, Ryan Adams tweeted at Hannity: “Your entire soul is controlled by feat and hate. Evolve little chicken man. See reality.” Well done, Ryan Adams, if completely out of the blue. That direct shot prompted the typically levelheaded and rational newsman to blow a gasket, especially when Adams declined to appear on Hannity to be shouted down by the conservative host—he’s reportedly recording Jenny Lewis instead.

To deflate the pent-up hatred, Hannity devoted a segment of his show to publicizing a small Twitter spat, under the reserved title "Liberal Twitter Tirade," though the musician communicated via emoticons and the news entertainer continued the name-calling. Joined by Tamara Holder and current Miss Oklahoma Anna Marie Costello, it’s three and a half minutes of hysterical pomposity, as Hannity rails against Adams’ music (“If we wanted to torture terrorists, we could play his music, which isn’t that popular anyway, and a 24-hour loop would drive them nuts”) and paints him as a super-rich liberal caked in makeup like a glam-rocker. It was probably a wise decision by Adams to stay in the studio.

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