Sean Hannity’s firing is the only conspiracy theory Fox News doesn’t support

Those who were hoping to spend their Memorial Day weekend watching Sean Hannity’s fall from grace should put down the Jiffy Pop, because when it comes to this particular far right-wing fringe conspiracy peddler, Fox News is standing by its man. Variety has a statement from the network following last night’s news that advertisers have begun to pull out from Hannity’s show, which reads: “Like the rest of the country, Sean Hannity is taking a vacation for Memorial Day weekend and will be back on Tuesday. Those who suggest otherwise are going to look foolish.”

Aside from the news that Skeletor is apparently now working in the Fox News PR department (good for him), the statement means that Fox is doubling down on supporting Hannity, despite the network’s retraction of a recent story alleging that the murder of Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich last summer was a DNC conspiracy. Rich’s parents have asked that their son’s death not be turned into a political talking point, most recently in an op-ed for The Washington Post; Hannity, meanwhile, seems dead set on doing exactly that, refusing to apologize for his politically-charged report on Rich’s death and continuing to propagate the conspiracy on Twitter until finally agreeing to shut the hell up last night. Come Tuesday, though—who knows?

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