Searching for the Sugar Man: Here's this week's new Dial M For Maple, Riverdale fans

Last night’s Riverdale was a bit of a cop-out following the “Lollipop” infused insanity of the
previous week, but Bughead’s back together, so who cares? As always, Dial M For Maple is here to hash out
everything from street races to the foppish Ghoulies, as well as the demise of
everyone’s favorite (?) teacher, Robert Phillips.

If you’re a Riverdale fan, please give Dial M For Maple a
chance. You can subscribe here,
or even drop us a review over on Apple Podcasts. Also, we’re always taking
comments and questions on Twitter. Just use #DialMForMaple, and we’ll see it.

For further thoughts on all of the mayhem in Riverdale,
check out our colleague LaToya Ferguson’s excellent TV Club reviews.

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