Secret Service is looking into Scott Stapp’s alleged threats to assassinate Obama

Creed frontman Scott Stapp has been having a difficult time. In November, he posted a rambling video to Facebook, alleging a conflict with government agencies that left him broke and living out of his truck. That video was posted in the context of divorce proceedings, with Jaclyn Stapp citing her husband’s erratic behavior, including drug abuse and mental illness. Stapp attempted to clarify the situation with a follow-up Facebook post that only made things more confusing.

This past Friday, TMZ added to that confusion by posting a 911 call made by Stapp’s wife in late November, in which she claimed Stapp was cruising neighborhood streets while shirtless on his motorcycle, claiming to be on a CIA-mission to “assassinate Obama.” Meanwhile, Stapp made his own 911 call, claiming that he was on his motorcycle only because his wife had stolen his car. Police sorted through all of the claims and counter-claims, determined he wasn’t a serious threat, and did not detain him.

The Secret Service, however, appears to be taking the threat seriously. According to spokesperson Nicole Mainor, the Secret Service is “aware and we’ll take appropriate action,” People reports. On Friday, a judge also awarded Jaclyn sole custody of the couple’s three children, with a ruling that forbids Stapp from staying in the family home.

In what is becoming a pattern of he-claimed, she-claimed, Stapp responded with another Facebook video, saying these latest allegations are false. The video has since been deleted, but Consequence Of Sound has posted the transcript.

“What’s up everyone, Scott Stapp here. In light of the recent vicious attacks on my character as well as the vicious lies that are being spread about me, I’m left with no option but to address this circus. In no way, shape or form are any of these accusations true. I am 100% sober and 100% mentally sane and stable. Supporting documents validating this will be given to Judge Colin and serviced to the media next week. These documents are being issued by the Hazleton-Betty Ford Center. When these accusations were initially levied against me, I immediately sought refuge within the sober community in Palm Desert, CA, as well as met with senior heads of department at the Hazleton-Betty Ford Center. I did not check in, as I have not been using drugs or alcohol nor have been suffering from any mental health issues. I came to the center for the most credible acknowledgement and support in the world to validate that I was sober and mental stable. After two weeks of meetings with appropriate departments, voluntarily submitting to a clinical diagnostic evaluation, and blood and urine tests, Hazelton-Betty Ford Center is preparing official documents validating what I have been saying all along. I am not, nor have been on drugs or drinking and am not suffering from any mental health issues. Again, everything that is being reported about me is not true. This vicious attack was levied against me after I discovered multiple counts of financial fraud and embezzlement. It is sad the lengths some will go to in an effort to keep themselves from being exposed for the serious financial crimes they have committed. As you might assume, I am very hurt by what has gone on. Again, official reports will be provided next week hopefully ending the circus so the real issues at hand can be addressed. Love you all and thank you to all those who have supported me during this smear campaign.

P. S.

I have nothing but sincere respect, love and admiration for President Obama. The recent report claiming I am delusional, and claiming I’m a CIA agent with evil intent towards our beloved President is a joke. I’m shocked the press even covered such a ridicules story. My history supporting our troops and this great country of ours should speak for itself.

Have a great weekend my friends

Scott Stapp”

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