See 20th Century Women this weekend and support Planned Parenthood

See 20th Century Women this weekend and support Planned Parenthood

Who would have thought that turning back the clock 40 years would be one of the most progressive things you can do this weekend? Here, let us explain: In honor of Mike Mills’ 20th Century Women, this weekend the film’s distributor A24 will donate a portion of ticket sales to Planned Parenthood. And this isn’t just an arbitrary decision. The film, which takes place in the late ’70s, has not one, but two story lines that include trips to Planned Parenthood—neither of which involve abortion, like 97 percent of Planned Parenthood visits. As Mills explains in a statement:

The people at Planned Parenthood were so helpful to me with the writing and pre-production of 20th Century Women. They connected me with people who worked in PP offices in the ‘70s to make sure every aspect of my scenes was correct, from the language counselors used to the very particular decor and dress of the people in those offices, to the overarching philosophy and attitude of the women who worked there. It was very important to me that we capture this moment in women’s reproductive rights accurately and they were so generous and helpful to me.

So, it’s probably safe to say that 20th Century Women won’t be screening at the White House any time soon. You can watch a featurette further explaining the connection between Mills’ film and the imperiled women’s health organization below.

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