See the magnificent television acting debut of Dawes on last night's Parenthood

Here at The A.V. Club, we like the band Dawes' acting debut on the television series Parenthood, and you should too. To convince you of the band's amazing acting abilities and perhaps give you a little space to discuss how their talents extend even into the sphere of the theater, we have snipped out the scene featuring the band. Background: Peter Krause's character, Adam, is obsessed with both Dawes and getting the band to record at the studio he owns with brother Crosby (Dax Shepherd). Crosby knows the band somewhat, so Adam asks him to lean on that personal connection to get the band to record at the studio, because everybody knows a recording studio hasn't made it until Dawes records there. Crosby balks, but Dawes senses what is wrong and comes to the brothers' rescue. (If you're so inclined, the full episode is up on Hulu and is a good example of the show's strengths. Also, Peter Krause says "Dawes" so often he seems to be auditioning for a role in the comments section.)

And, bonus Dawes…

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