See the net as it was in 1995 with this collage of fake sites from The Net

See the net as it was in 1995 with this collage of fake sites from The Net

Irwin Winkler’s 1995 thriller The Net envisioned a futuristic wonderland where employees could use digitized computing machines to commute to their jobs without ever leaving the comfort of their own homes, pizza could be purchased with the click of a mouse, and people who looked like Sandra Bullock sat around all day and talked online about how “No one leaves the house anymore. No one has sex. The net is ultimate condom. [sic]” Apart from the frightening accuracy of Winkler’s vision, the movie preserves a time when websites consisted of nothing but walls of text and—unless the site was very fancy—a gray background. Like other works of fiction that must create their own version of the Internet to bring it in line with what they think it should look like, The Net features a variety of mocked-up websites made especially for its own use. Trivia Happy has collected them all and molded them into a clickable collage, inviting you to travel back to a time when a screensaver of a crackling log was the height of computing sophistication. It’s a shame no one ever tried to make all-purpose pizza delivery website happen—that one looked like it could be useful.

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