Serial plane crasher Harrison Ford to narrate an aviation documentary

Earlier this month, Harrison Ford crashed his vintage World War II aircraft onto a golf course. Once it was clarified that he wasn’t too seriously hurt, the Internet celebrated with a torrent of gentle, corny teasing. Now The Hollywood Reporter brings news that Ford has signed on to narrate Living In The Age Of Airplanes, a documentary about man’s history of flight. National Geographic Studios announced Ford’s involvement while the 72-year-old actor is still in the hospital recovering from his injuries.

Despite the temptation to point out the awkward timing, Ford’s participation makes sense. The flight enthusiast took his first flying lessons in the ’60s, and has been flying regularly since the ’90s. And while his recent accident isn’t the first time Ford has been involved in a plane crash, he’s also used his personal aircraft to locate and rescue hikers, and has long been involved in aviation advocacy groups. Besides, does anybody not want to hear Harrison Ford’s voice narrating a documentary?

If nothing else, the project should help the Internet sharpen its arsenal of Harrison Ford plane crash memes. Hopefully there will be better use of “Fly? Yes. Land? No.” animated GIFs, and less reliance on questionable Solo quips, such as “never tell me the odds” tweets and outright fumbled zingers, like “Harrison Ford narrates flying documentary? Laugh it up, Fuzzball!” Facebook status updates.

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