Severus Snape works for muggle airlines, still can’t make flights leave on time

Anybody who’s flown a major airline recently has probably suspected that the Dark Arts are at play. American Airlines confirmed that recently, releasing several photos of Severus Snape working at LaGuardia. Gate agent David Dolci bears an uncanny likeness to Alan Rickman’s Snape, down to the permanently dour expression, which some astute customers have taken note since at least 2012:

Last week, some Harry Potter fans at American Airlines finally realized they could turn this into a slick PR move, and released some photos of Dolci holding a wand and talking to an ersatz Hogwarts student. AA did not, however, explain how Snape cheated or faked his own death, why he would stoop to working for muggles, or whether he kept any memories of Lily Potter.

Severus Snape will assist you in the boarding process for Flight Nine and Three Quarters from LaGuardia to Hogwarts. We’…

Posted by American Airlines on Friday, June 5, 2015

[via Buzzfeed]

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