Shepard "Obey Giant" Fairey arrested by Boston cops, accused by AP

Shepard Fairey, the artist who created the Obey Giant phenomenon (with those late '80s stickers reading "Andre The Giant Has A Posse") has been arrested in Boston on outstanding warrants related to graffiti. (Because even at at 38, Fairey is still walkin' the walk.)

Those sneaky cops got Fairey the easy way—as he was entering an exhibition of his own work, where he was supposed to DJ.

In related news, the Associated Press is alleging that Fairey's ubiquitous Barack Obama image (done in the propaganda style of much of his Obey work) is based on a photograph owned by AP. And they would like to be compensated, since Fairey's image was pretty much everywhere leading up to the election. Here's a good defense, Shep: "Umm, Barack Obama looks like that all the time." The offending image is below.

And here's an article from a Boston TV station about the arrest.

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