Sherlock’s Jonathan Aris is probably in Star Wars: Rogue One

There’s no official casting announcement here, but this sounds pretty hard to deny: According to a report from the BBC, Sherlock actor Jonathan Aris (he plays Anderson, the forensics guy who hates Sherlock but becomes obsessed with his “death”) recently added Star Wars: Rogue One to his Spotlight page, which is basically an official online résumé. The listing has since been removed, but the BBC grabbed a screenshot that shows he’s playing someone named Senator Jebel.

/Film notes that early The Force Awakens casting rumors were also confirmed in a similar manner, so this sort of thing has happened before. Still, Disney and Lucasfilm haven’t said anything about Aris being in Rogue One, and the BBC’s screengrab (below) could easily have been faked. That makes us wonder why anyone would bother faking something like that, but all of this leads to the assumption it’s probably true. Either way, if Jonathan Aris doesn’t show up in Rogue One as a guy named Senator Jebel, don’t blame us. (He probably will, though.)

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