Sherman Hemsley still hasn’t been buried

It's been more than a month since the death of Jeffersons star Sherman Hemsley, and while his spirit may have moved on up (provided you subscribe to beliefs regarding real estate in the sky), sadly, his body has not. It hasn't, in fact, moved anywhere: According to the Associated Press, Hemsley's body remains in refrigeration in an El Paso funeral home while a local court hears an argument over the validity of his will from a man claiming to be Hemsley's long-lost brother.

Richard Thornton, who hails from Hemsley's hometown of Philadelphia, says he is Hemsley's brother, and tells the court he believes the will that the actor signed six weeks before his death may have been falsified. That document leaves all of Hemsley's estate (valued at a somewhat surprisingly small $50,000) to Flora Enchinton, Hemsley's manager and "beloved partner" of more than 20 years. For her part, Enchinton argues Hemsley never spoke of Thornton or any relatives at all, saying, "Some people come out of the woodwork—they think Sherman, they think money." Say, this is just like that Jeffersons episode where Lionel keeps begging George for money at the same time Florence keeps pushing him for a raise, except it's totally sad and ends with George not being able to be buried.

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