

In this adaptation of an award-winning children's book, a boy secretly takes in an adorable, abused beagle who has fled his owner, a bitter and drunken hunter. When the owner comes looking for his dog, the boy faces a series of difficult decisions. A critical blurb on the video box of Shiloh refers to it as "a modern-day Old Yeller." Fortunately for children not raised on perennial reruns of that traumatic Disney classic, Shiloh will probably not haunt their worst dreams for years to come. However, it is unusual when compared to most children's films: It raises tough ethical questions without peddling easy answers. Get past the one-note performance of its Teen Beat-esque star, and you have an entertaining movie that will cause younger members of its audience to think about the implications of its characters' decisions. And, though it may be something of a dramatic dodge, its conclusion ought to save families a fortune in counseling bills.

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