Shock Artists Today Have It So Easy

Being a shock artist used to be tough. You had to collect all your fingernail clippings for twenty years and then fashion them into a mosaic of Gorbachev raping an owl; or you had to develop a plastinization process to preserve human tissue, convince the Chinese government to give you the bodies of prisoners, and then painstakingly bend and shape the bodies into weird poses. If you were feeling lazy, you used giraffe dung and old baby teeth to make a portrait of Mother Teresa—but even that took some effort. (There was the drive to the wildlife park, convincing the zookeepers you weren't totally insane, carting buckets of giraffe poop back and forth, etc.)

Nowadays, all you have to do is dress up your adorable baby like Pinochet, and suddenly you're a shock artist whose work is all about "examining the nature of evil."

(via Buzzfeed)

If this looks like a joke, that's because it is a joke. Or, at least, it was. Now it's a joke and shock art that forces you contemplate both the meaning of evil and edgy Halloween costumes for your baby.

Still, Baby Dictators would make a pretty good Comedy Central show.

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