Shower with The Golden Girls and the cast of Bobs Burgers

For many, the shower is a place of respite from the constant bleating of phones, tablets, computers, and all of the other voices in the modern electronic choir. It’s a place where we can be free, for once, from the unavoidable deluge of pop culture that we spend the rest of our days obsessing over. But if the thought of being away from your beloved cultural icons for even a few minutes sends shivers of boredom down your spine, you’re in luck. These pop culture-inspired shower curtains, emblazoned with figures like the cast of Bobs Burgers, the Joker from the ‘60s Batman series, and more are here to rescue you from introspection and private thought.

Produced by Michael Koshgarian, a.k.a. 99wooster, the curtains are sample prototypes of merchandise Koshgarian has produced over the years, featuring licensed images and artwork (including some by noted Canadian artist Glen Hanson). The curtains are available, in limited supply, on Koshgarian’s eBay page for the wallet-draining price of $125 a pop (if you’re desperate for a Bobs Burgers shower curtain but can’t quite meet that price, you might also be interested in this one, by artist hrern1313, for about half the price). Still, if you've ever wanted to be naked with Grace Jones, Ming The Merciless, or The Golden Girls, now’s your chance.

On the other hand, if you just want to look at the cool pictures without dropping more than a hundred bucks on a nylon shower curtain, there’s a gallery of some of the best of them here.

[via The Mary Sue]

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