Showtime celebrates National Doughnut Day by giving Twin Peaks away for free

It’s National Doughnut Day today, a holiday that presumably carries an extra dollop of significance for the residents of Twin Peaks, a town that never met a baked good or damn fine cup of coffee it didn’t like. To celebrate the event, the show’s new home, Showtime, is offering up a bit of tasty indulgence of its own: the first two episodes of Twin Peaks: The Return, available to everybody, even if they haven’t given in and subscribed to the network just yet.

Showtime’s been charting a pretty generous release strategy for the show, offering up the third and fourth episodes early to subscribers of its streaming services. Now, it’s looking to hook those Peaks fans who’ve managed to resist its freshly baked lure so far, presumably theorizing that, like a doughnut itself, people won’t be able to content themselves with a single bite of David Lynch’s latest opus. You can watch the full episodes on Showtime’s web site.

[via Pitchfork]

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