Showtime celebrates Twin Peaks Day, didn’t even bring any pie

Showtime celebrates Twin Peaks Day, didn’t even bring any pie

February 24 is a day that’s special to Twin Peaks fanatics, as it marks the anniversary of the day Special Agent Dale Cooper first set foot in the enigmatic little hamlet, as recorded for posterity in his tape-recorded notes to the mysterious Diane. And Showtime is celebrating in a similarly cryptic manner, revealing two new posters—and two teasers, courtesy of the show’s European home, Sky Atlantic—that tell us absolutely nothing about the upcoming third season of the series. Instead, we see two of the show’s most iconic characters in front of some pine trees; Cooper looks older, of course, but Laura Palmer is still the same, forever frozen in the bloom of her tragically abbreviated youth.

They’re pretty and all, but frankly, as long as Showtime insists on not telling us anything about the new season, we would have preferred some coffee and pie. Twin Peaks returns to Showtime on May 21 with a special two-hour season premiere.

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