Sigourney Weaver and Ridley Scott praise high schoolers behind Alien play

Sigourney Weaver and Ridley Scott praise high schoolers behind Alien play

Over the weekend, we were delighted to learn about a high school in Bergen, New Jersey’s incredibly elaborate stage production of Alien, which managed to put together a very impressive recreation of the film’s sets and creatures—including a really good xenomorph—on what was reportedly a shoestring budget. As it turns out, we weren’t the only ones impressed by North Bergen High School’s efforts, with original Alien star Sigourney Weaver and Alien director Ridley Scott both releasing statements of support for the students and the school’s drama department.

Weaver’s reaction came in a video, in which she also referenced the show getting a stamp of approval from Aliens director James Cameron and Alien screenwriter Walter Hill:

Scott, meanwhile, sent along a heartfelt formal letter from his Scott Free productions (via Deadline), congratulating everyone involved on the “creativity, imagination, and determination” required to put on “such an ambitions show,” noting that “limitations often produce the best results.” He also recommends that Alien theatrical crew holds onto this spirit of determination, saying, “let nothing put you off—or set you back.” From there, Scott’s letter takes a fun turn, with him tying in their cooperation and determination with the feeling that many immigrants shared when they first came to the United States. He also suggests that they do Gladiator next—as if Gladiator would be anywhere near this much fun or require remotely as much ingenuity—and then leaves the students with his “favorite mantra,” knowing full well that he got it from an advertising campaign: “Just do it.”

Scott’s letter also promised to send along some “financial help” in order guarantee an encore performance of Alien, which is very cool.

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