Silicon Valley’s Comic-Con panel was light on news, heavy on horse sex

Silicon Valley celebrated the recent wrap of its third season with a trip to Comic-Con this year, with creator Mike Judge, executive producer Alec Berg, and stars Thomas Middleditch, Zach Woods, Amanda Crew, and Kumail Nanjiani all taking the stage to say pretty much absolutely nothing about the show’s still-distant season 4. In terms of actual news, the only thing the panel let slip was stuff we pretty much already knew: Crew’s Monica and Josh Brener’s Big Head are both joining the Pied Piper team (and, presumably, taking a more central role on the show in its fourth season.) Also, apparently everybody in the cast tried out for the role of Erlich Bachman, including Middleditch, Nanjiani, Woods, Brener, and co-star Martin Starr. (Actual-Erlich T.J. Miller wasn’t at the panel, as he’s busy at the moment filming on Steven Spielberg’s Ready Player One.)

But really, this is Silicon Valley: with apologies to Teti’s mom, most of the talk was always going to be centered on jokes about butts and sex. The horse intercourse from the season’s second episode was widely discussed—in Nanjiani’s words, “The horse fucking scene is pretty hard to forget”—but the season’s other iconic visual, the hideous yellow Pied Piper jacket, wasn’t forgotten, either. Talking to Entertainment Weekly shortly before the panel, Woods was happy to praise its sartorial crimes. “I like it because it rides high,” he said. “And I got luscious hips.”

[via Deadline]

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