Sing along with the common people in a Pulp karaoke contest judged by Jarvis Cocker

Sing along with the common people in a Pulp karaoke contest judged by Jarvis Cocker

To promote the new Florian Habicht documentary, Pulp: A Film About Life, Death And Supermarkets, Jarvis Cocker will judge a karaoke contest of Pulp fans singing Pulp songs. The film has already screened in the U.K., and will screen Stateside next Thursday at Industry City in Brooklyn, featuring a Q&A with Habicht and Cocker—and followed by the Cocker-judged karaoke contest.

Before you buy a ticket to New York and start prepping a deep cut from His ’N’ Hers, know that the event organizers, Rooftop Films, have limited the selection to just 10 songs: “All Time High,” “Babies,” “Common People,” “Disco 2000,” “Do You Remember The First Time,” “Help The Aged,” “Mile End,” “Monday Morning,” “Sorted For E’s And Wizz,” and “This Is Hardcore.” (Notably absent are any songs from Pulp’s final album, 2001’s We Love Life.) Plus, event organizers have all but put the kibosh on “Common People,” saying, “If we get a million tweets about ‘Common People,’ we will be far less likely to pick them.”

Rooftop Films posted the contest rules on its website. They include:

  • You must plan to attend the show! If you can’t be there on August 7th, don’t enter the contest! Jarvis will be very mad at you. Do you really want that on your conscience?
  • Creativity is encouraged/mandatory. Tweet something that will make us notice you and think you’re a special and unique snowflake. A funny drawing? A relevant YouTube video? Something weird and wild we’ve never seen or heard before? Impress us.
  • No nudity please.
  • If you receive that coveted tweet that says you’ve won, don’t have a heart attack. You need to confirm your win within 24 hours of notification.

You can enter the contest by tweeting to Rooftop Films using the hashtag #singforjarvis. Entries must be received by August 4. Since the event is sold out, this is now the only way to attend the screening and ask Cocker what his deal is with supermarkets, anyway.

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