Sissy Spacek and Jane Levy join Hulu’s new Stephen King series Castle Rock

The cast of Hulu’s mysterious Stephen King-inspired series Castle Rock is continuing to come together, with a press release announcing that King adaptation veteran Sissy Spacek (Carrie herself) and Don’t Breathe star Jane Levy have both joined the cast. They’ll be joining Moonlight’s André Holland, who signed on in May as a “a death row attorney with a unique and complicated history in Castle Rock, Maine.”

The press release says that Spacek’s character will be Ruth Deaver, “a retired professor whose fading memories may hold a key to Castle Rock’s unsettling past.” She’s also the “estranged adoptive mother” of Holland’s character, Henry, so it sounds like she’ll have a fairly big role in the show. As for Levy, she’s playing Jackie, the “death-obsessed, self-appointed historian of Castle Rock.” The show is set in the Stephen King universe, meaning it will combine various elements from his books in order to create some dark mythology that centers around this one town in New England, so Levy’s character will probably be the one offering up spooky backstories about why this one patch of land brings dead pets back to life, why that old Plymouth makes people turn evil, and—if we’re really lucky—why a weird cowboy keeps hanging around.

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