Sit back and relax as two guys play acoustic Ocarina Of Time covers in a field

Sit back and relax as two guys play acoustic Ocarina Of Time covers in a field
Screenshot: Super Guitar Bros

Hey. Hey, listen. This is a stressful time and we all need a little bit of relaxation to get through the day. For some, this may come in the form of a hot bath, a glass of wine, an hour with a good book, or, who knows, maybe a bit of time spent listening to the gluey sounds of someone whispering about the pandemic on YouTube. For others, the best way to unwind might be imagining you live in another world altogether—one where your problems can be solved by throwing bombs at cracked walls or smacking monsters around in trap-laden dungeons.

If you belong to the latter group, we have good news: Two guitarists have just uploaded more than half an hour of acoustic The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time covers tailor-made to help you chill the hell out.

The pair in question go by Super Guitar Bros and, as you might imagine based on their name, are musicians devoted to playing video game covers. For their latest project, the Bros. took to fields and forests to play the entire Ocarina Of Time soundtrack as lovely acoustic duets. Allow your nerves to dissolve into a puddle of calm agrarian goo as the pair perform the Lon Lon Ranch theme atop footage of them hanging out with some friendly horses. Pretend you, too, are a bizarre fish-person, perfectly at home in your watery cave town while they play “Zora’s Domain.” Allow yourself to fantasize about being a little elf boy who earns a living by smashing your neighbors’ pottery and plucking gems from tall grass as the Bros. run through a cover of Ocarina’s “Kokiri Forest.”

Even if these Ocarina Of Time tunes aren’t able to soothe your mind, don’t despair. It’s scientifically impossible not to feel a profound sense of well-being when listening to another of their covers: The Wii’s Mii Channel theme.

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