Smallville's Allison Mack arrested on charges of sex trafficking in bizarre cult case

Per The Hollywood Reporter, former Smallville star Allison Mack has been arrested today, in connection with what’s been described as a leading role in a bizarre cult/alleged sex trafficking ring. As we reported earlier this month, Mack has long been accused of acting as a recruiter for a supposed self-help group known as Nxivm, which has been alleged on multiple occasions of being a front for a sex-based personality cult with an emphasis on forced starvation and literal branding of its members/victims.

Along with the group’s leader, Keith “Vanguard” Raniere, Mack has been charged with sex trafficking, sex trafficking conspiracy, and forced labor conspiracy by the U.S. Attorney’s office in New York. Mack supposedly served as Raniere’s right-hand woman in the group, luring women in with self-help seminars, then inducting them as “slaves” to Raniere, or members of the organization’s DOS (or Dominos Obsequious Sororium, or Master Over the Slave Women) subgroup, of which she was the reported leader.

Raniere was arrested earlier this month, after being extradited from Mexico. Mack—whose other credits include Wilfred and the recent Amazon animated series Lost In Oz—will be arraigned later this afternoon.

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