Smashing Pumpkins offer mystifying album preview

What will the new Smashing Pumpkins album sound like, and who besides Pumpkins leader Billy Corgan and drummer Jimmy Chamberlin will be playing on it? picks up on two posts from the Pumpkins' MySpace blog in which Chamberlin doesn't begin to answer those questions, but conjures some exuberant spiritual gibberish reminiscent of Corgan's 2005 solo album, The Future Embrace:.

Tracking drums is a bit like going to another planet for four or five or nine minutes. We recently finished up working with Roy Thomas Baker, (Queen, The Cars!), Working with RTB was not only an honor, but also one of the best musical experiences we have ever had. We are currently working with Terry Date (Pantera, Soundgarden!) and that is going great as well. The universe has a way of letting you know that things are right by introducing people like RTB and Terry into the fold. It's all part of one big cosmic journey, in so that everyone reading this is hitching their silver chord to the Great Pumpkin Space Train! Hope this helps clear some things up for you. Don't forget to cast your eyes skyward this weekend…. You may see a shooting star.

And, earlier:

Greetings from Pumpkinland! Sorry it's taken so long to write! I'm here to tell you that great things are on track for the future. As some of you know we are indeed creating music again. Music that comes from a place so pure it will burn the lies off the very souls of those who try to discount it. We have arrived at a place in our lives where truth and honesty prevail and we are creating from that place.

Can Great Pumpkin Space Train be the album's title? Please?

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