Smiley face martini glass thumbs up: the Emoji "Drunk In Love" music video

In a fitting tribute to our eternal lord and master Soundboardt, hallowed be its name, an all emoji music video for Beyoncé’s “Drunk in Love” has emerged fully realized from acolyte and Vimeo account holder Jesse Hill.

Mr. Hill has used the one true language of our time (tiny smiley faces and pieces of poo) to proselytize to the few remaining non-believers in the way that only Emoji can. For truly, when you have seen pictures of cartoon men and women manipulated to simulate “beautiful bodies grinding up in that club,” you will have seen the light, and lo, will you ride upon your tiny image of a surfboardt to the heavens where Soundboardt will greet you with open arms.

Beyoncé (feat. Jay-Z) "Drunk in Love" Unofficial Emoji Video from JESSE HILL on Vimeo.

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