Snakes On A Mountain Of Ridiculous Hype

The first song on the soundtrack for this summer's first surefire disappointment, Snakes On A Plane, has been chosen–so you can breathe now.

Listen to it here, and then immediately start complaining that it wasn't what you thought it was going to be. (Wasn't that song from that one fan site that incorporated real snakes hissing and re-mixed dialogue from every movie Samuel Jackson's ever been in, like, way better? Why won't they use that in the movie? Don't they get it? Ugh! They're ruining Snakes On A Plane! Just look at this poster, there are barely any snakes in it!)

Anyway, the song is by Cobra Starship, a side-project of Gabe Suporta (of the band Midtown), who wants his song "Snakes On A Plane (Bring It)" to mean something more than, say, "there are actual, literal snakes on an actual, literal plane…so bring it." He told

"We actually didn't want to make it too literal about snakes on a plane, so we used a metaphor of snakes being like shady dudes," Saporta said on the set of the video.

"Like in the [music] industry, like snakes in suits in the back of the plane," Beckett added. "That way it's not completely just a joke."

Oh, it's completely a joke. A tired, annoying joke at this point, but still a joke.

Saporta also claims that choosing to name his band "Cobra Starship" and writing a song for the Snakes On A Plane soundtrack is pure coincidence:

"I love, like, old vintage jackets and had this one that said 'Cobra' on it from the Sylvester Stallone movie," Saporta said of his inspiration for the band's name. "And I had another one, it was like a total Michael Jackson jacket with the zippers and stuff from the '80s, and on the back it said 'Starship Disco,' so I just put both of them together."

Ok. So, just to clarify: out of all the vintage jackets combinations in the world, you chose to name your band Cobra Starship, then wrote a song for the soundtrack of a metaphor-free movie called Snakes On A Plane using "snakes on a plane" as a metaphor for something totally unrelated.

Rationalize it however you want, but I can't wait for this movie to come out and suck so much, we'll never have to deal with ironic fan art ever again.

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