A veritable Entertainment Tonight of pop culture, the songs on FYULABA ("fuck you up like a bad ass") reference Dean Martin, John Wayne Bobbitt (timely as today's headlines!), Space Ghost, Kate Moss and more. In addition, SNFU covers such standard punk topics as eating disorders, vegetarianism and unpleasant adolescent experiences. At this point, the mind should be conjuring up some sort of Dead Kennedys-Weird Al hybrid, and that's not too far from the truth. While lyrically, the band suffers from an identity crisis, SNFU is dead-on musically. At times, the Canadians sound like NoMeansNo in its softer, poppier moments. At times, the humor—juvenile though it may be—is pretty funny. And at times, the lamentations of a singer being beaten up by jocks deftly bypass the self-pity blockers and actually connect. When they coincide, they make for some pogo-riffic, slam-tastic, mosh-abulous punk rock. This doesn't happen on every song, but it happens often enough to make FYULABA an enjoyable album.

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