Snoop Dogg on Frozen's "Let It Go": "I had to come sit in my car and listen to this shit, man"

Snoop Dogg on Frozen's "Let It Go": "I had to come sit in my car and listen to this shit, man"
Photo: Emma McIntyre

Snoop Dogg, the rapper who once encouraged listeners to “throw your hands in the motherfucking air and wave the motherfuckers like you just don’t care,” has returned in this, our time of need, with another reminder to chill out. The message comes courtesy of his Instagram account—the only place to find Snoop’s news commentary, short form nature documentaries, and whatever he’s come across on Imgur lately all in one place—and features the man himself just sitting in a parked car, listening to Frozen’s “Let It Go” with a camera pointed at his face.

A verse from the song plays while Snoop lowers the lens with perfect timing. He continues to sit in his car with a blank expression and unblinking eyes, staring deep into the viewer’s soul, until the chorus comes in and he starts laughing. “I had to come sit in my car and listen to this shit, man,” he explains. “I’m just sitting in my car listening to ‘Let It Go.’”

“Let it go,” he says again. “We’ll be outside soon.”

In response, “Let It Go” singer Idina Menzel returned the favor by tweeting out a video of her sitting in her own car, listening to “Drop It Like It’s Hot” and offering her own words of encouragement.

While we’re happy that both musicians are spreading a message of calm and acceptance in a difficult time, we do worry that trying to get through the pandemic by sitting in their cars and listening to two of the most impossible-to-shake tracks in recent history might not be the best way to go about it. Let’s hope that all of this is over before too long. Otherwise, quarantine will end with a gibbering Snoop being led from his car in a thermal blanket, muttering that the “cold never bothered me anyway.”

[via CNN]

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