So long, Mooch, and thanks for all the memes

Yesterday, White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci went from the new kid in the West Wing to newly out on his ass, as new chief of staff John F. Kelly promptly fired him. Ten days was all The Mooch got. It’s not fair, how good people get chewed up and spat out in this damn world.

Of course, there is no arguing that Scaramucci really laid the groundwork for this firing. In fact, in his short tenure, he did nothing else but line himself up for the axe. The surprising part of this is that he actually was fired, because it means someone in the Trump administration has some kind of warped standards for propriety.

It’s clear that retired general and Trump’s ex-Homeland Security secretary John Kelly, who as recently as 2014 was still pretty gung-ho about the War On Terror, pulled the trigger on Scaramucci as phase one in a campaign to tighten up the White House. There are rumblings that the administration was offended by Mad Dog Scaramucci’s profane tirade to the New Yorker last week, which would be rather ironic given, uh, most of what Donald Trump has said in his life.

Politicking aside, it was truly a beautiful day on Twitter as the news of Scaramucci’s firing spread around.

Some people posited Scaramucci as a sort of tragic figure, who gave everything to the administration in vain. These people are wrong.

Please also note that the new edition of the Harvard Law School alumni directory lists Scaramucci as dead, and that he got into an argument with someone impersonating Reince Preibus via email.

“Read Shakespeare. Particularly Othello,” Scaramucci told the imposter Preibus. In tribute, we offer these lines from Shakespeare’s play.

I have done the state some service, and they know’t.

No more of that. I pray you, in your letters,

When you shall these unlucky deeds relate,

Speak of me as I am; nothing extenuate

Godspeed, Anthony.

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