So that’s what the Harry Potter theme sounds like played on beer bottles

So that’s what the Harry Potter theme sounds like played on beer bottles

Typically speaking, a medley of popular TV and movie theme songs as performed by bearded dudes blowing into beer bottles and accompanied by an orchestra would be cause for anyone to recoil in horror and immediately disable their Wi-Fi connection. After all, a mixture of those elements sounds like a recipe for disaster, one with a fair amount of creative and sonic dissonance.

Somehow though, the Bottle Boys and the Budapest Art Orchestra have managed to create a video that isn’t the manifestation of everything you hate about cute, ironic cover songs; a guy belting out Kendrick Lamar’s “Backseat Freestyle” on acoustic guitar this is not. Instead, there’s a wonderful symmetry on display here as the orchestra adds some needed weight to the delicate bottle playing. The result is intriguing in that it shows just how important melody can be to any given film or TV show, and how easily it becomes intertwined with the images we remember. Never underestimate the power of a great hook.

[via Laughing Squid]

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