Some guys opened a New York bar inspired by Will Ferrell characters

Zach Neil and Brian Link, a couple of industrious guys in New York City, recently decided not to relegate their drinking and Will Ferrell quoting to the privacy of their own homes. They opened the Stay Classy New York bar (yes, we noticed the missing comma, too) at the beginning of October to the delight of Old School and Anchorman fans everywhere. Now you don’t have to worry about people failing to understand that your bad Spanish translation is actually one of Ferrell’s lines in a movie, because everyone around you will probably be making the same joke.

There’s a whole slew of cocktails inspired by Ferrell’s movie characters, like “The Glass Case Of Emotion” (relevant Ferrell role: Ron Burgundy), or the “Milk Was A Bad Choice” (relevant Ferrell role: also Ron Burgundy), or “Great Odin’s Raven” (well, you know). The menu’s surprisingly light on scotch for being so heavy on Anchorman jokes, but hey, you can also order a “Did We Just Become Best Friends?”, which is two shots that you can share with your best pal or Step Brother(s).

Neil told People magazine that he and Link are happy to risk their money on their Ferrell-focused venture, saying “[W]e said we might as well do something that we think is funny and represents what we love [sic] that way if we lose we can still laugh about it.” And that sounds like something Ferrell might have said before signing on to Semi-Pro.

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