Some jerkface stole the Parks And Recreation "Leslie And Ben" lock from Paris

In the 100th episode of Parks And Recreation, Ben and Leslie take a surprise trip to Paris where, after gawking at the incredibly romantic bridge from Inception, they commemorate their love through the tradition of putting a lock inscribed with their names on the fence overlooking the Pont des Arts. Fans have since made their own pilgrimages to seek out the lock and take their pictures with it, and it was all incredibly sweet and sentimental and a shared experience until some selfish jerkface cut the fence and stole the lock for themselves. The disappearance was first noted on Tumblr, by a Parks acolyte who located its spot using Reddit directions and previous fan photos, only to find it gone. “Whoever you are, super hardcore Parks fan, you kinda suck,” they wrote, speaking for us all.

Michael Schur has since retweeted the news, politely asking, “Please bring it back?” Meanwhile, Adam Scott was far more blunt: “This is shitty,” he wrote. Other fans have since chimed in with pleas—and violent threats—of their own. It sure sounds like a case for Burt Macklin, FBI, to solve by kicking the guilty party repeatedly in the head.

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