Some monster is tweeting out the entire Shrek 2 script, one line at a time

Some monster is tweeting out the entire Shrek 2 script, one line at a time
Photo: Aykut Unlupinar/Anadolu Agency

Have you ever happened to find yourself doing a close reading of Dreamworks’ middling 2004 CGI-animated sequel Shrek 2? No, of course you haven’t, it’s a passable, forgettable follow-up to pretty great original film. You probably saw it only once in your life—twice, tops, if it happened to be on HBO the same time you were bedridden with the flu. There’s really no reason to remember Shrek 2, is what we’re saying.

And yet, here we are: Scrolling through “The Entire Shrek 2 Script,” which is living up to its name by tweeting out Dreamworks’ middling sequel at the rate of one line per hour. “What could this possibly look like? And for what purpose?” you may be asking yourself. Well, we can help with the former, although your guess on the latter is as good as ours.

Well…yep. That’s definitely some examples of a line-by-line tweeting of Shrek 2's script, alright. This endeavor, we must also note, is piggybacking off of @Peternity69's earlier project using the same account: Tweeting out every line from the very first Shrek entry. So there’s that. Something tells us this would be a hit at ShrekFest (even if it’s being held online this year).

Honestly, we don’t know what else to add here, which we feel is sort of the point. That hollow feeling in your chest after nine months of the horror-year that is 2020? What else is left to fill it at this point other than absurdist Twitter accounts lobbing subpar animated sequel scripts into the void? It’s a feeling probably best summed up by a line that we once read somewhere…

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