Some people actually smile in the pics from next week’s Game Of Thrones

The preview pics that HBO released for Game Of Thrones last week teased the highly anticipated meeting between Daenerys and Jon Snow, but they didn’t really capture just how poorly that meeting would go. Sure, Jon got access to the special materials he needs to make weapons that will kill the Army Of The Dead, but he and Dany didn’t instantly become best friends or whatever. Thankfully, the preview pics for the next episode make it clear that Jon isn’t going anywhere just yet, so the two of them will still have plenty of time to realize how much they have in common—you know, genealogically—and start getting along better.

So let’s check out the photos and see if anyone is forging a new friendship with all of that Dragonglass.

Here’s Jon Snow and Ser Davos standing alongside Dany’s squad as they meet another visitor to her island compound. Nobody seems particularly happy, especially Jon Snow, but he always looks like that.

This is probably an earlier shot, with Dany and Missandei looking down at Jon Snow on the beach. They’ve seen a lot of sand in their time on this show, but this may be one of the first times in his life he’s been able to chillax on a proper beach.

Here’s that same shot from a different angle. Missandei looks pretty pleased about something, and Danenerys wants to know what’s up.

Alright, let’s finally get to who Team Dany is meeting on the beach. Based on this photo, it looks like it’s Theon and the Greyjoy remnants who pulled him out of the water last week. Note how he’s on the front of the boat. He’s helping!

But he seems to know that he has recently fucked up pretty bad. Much like Jon Snow, Theon never looks like he’s having a good time. He’s probably letting everyone know that he ran away when his sister got captured and her fleet got destroyed, which explains why nobody was happy to see him in the earlier shot.

Let’s check in with the Starks at Winterfell, with Sansa looking about the same as she did in the last episode when she learned that her brother Bran became kind of a weirdo in the years since she last saw him.

Speaking of weirdos, Littlefinger always seems like he’s having fun, and that’s rarely good.

Thankfully, Brienne and Podrick are still around, wearing some of those stylish fur capes that the Starks love so much. Last week’s episode took a moment to show a guy making armor, but who makes these capes? Is it the same person who makes those giant lion and wolf-shaped markers that people use when planning their military operations on big maps? If so, that person must really be making some good money.

Speaking of good transitions, here’s Cersei showing her big map to Mark Gatiss from Sherlock and Doctor Who. He doesn’t seem very impressed, but that’s probably because he’s still waiting for all of that money she recently promised him. Or maybe he’s just thinking about the eventual scene where someone gets killed on this big map and their blood splatters right on some relevant location.

Finally, here’s Jaime and Bronn. They both seem pretty stunned by something, and while that’s quickly become Jaime’s default status, Bronn is usually too world-weary to look so surprised. So what are they looking at? The smart money’s on a dragon. Daenerys needs a win to reestablish why she’s such a threat to the Lannisters, and after weeks of people saying she should use the dragons, she’s probably going to use the dragons.

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