Somebody retrofitted Minecraft with realistic graphics

Somebody retrofitted Minecraft with realistic graphics

Minecraft can be addictively fun. One moment you’re trying to pour water on top of lava to create obsidian so you can build a Nether Portal, engage in ranged battle with a Ghast, and harvest some Netherrack. All of a sudden, you’ve spent an entire day hunched over your monitor, with nothing to show for it but a Redstone-powered universal Turing machine.

For some folks, the time-vortex created by playing Minecraft simply isn’t enough. Take Youtube user Flashcode, who has been building custom Minecraft animations in Blender. The result is not unlike high-resolution texture packs taken to the next level, with some added sound and visual effects.

Flashcode’s latest project recreates a player being surprised by a skeleton attack, and then executing a strategic counter-offensive. It’s just like an actual game of Minecraft, but much fancier (sorry, purists). If only our animated skeleton pursuers were dispatched so easily in real life.

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