Someone hacked Anderson Cooper's Twitter to send a single, lame insult to the president

Early this morning President Donald J. Trump awoke and posted an extremely predictable tweet, attempting to shift the blame for GOP candidate Roy Moore’s disastrous showing in yesterday’s United States Senate special election to, as you might expect, not Donald Trump:

(The deck, in this case, being stacked with cards that said, “Hey, this guy is a bigot and an alleged pedophile!”)

As with every Donald Trump tweet, people got mad and responded. One man who had a reasonable if not exactly weapons-grade retort to the president was CNN’s Anderson Cooper, who tweeted and then deleted this:

But why did Cooper feel the need to delete such a mild burn? That’s because, according to CNN’s public relations team, Anderson Cooper never tweeted it at all:

That’s right, none other than a black hat hacker used nefarious means to successfully gain access to the Twitter account of one of the world’s most famous and influential journalists, at which point the hacker then most likely shouted, “I’m in!” Per CNN, said hacker then proceeded to use Anderson Cooper’s massive platform to tweet precisely one profoundly weak insult at the president before disappearing back into the shadows of the internet—the perfect crime.

Of course, a cynic might be inclined to suggest it is possible that CNN’s PR team, wishing to avoid hearing once again the familiar screech of “fake news!” from the commander in chief, decided to make Anderson Cooper delete a D+ tweet and just blamed it on a potentially non-existent hacker.

Or maybe, just maybe, that’s exactly what the hacker wants you think.

[via Uproxx]

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