Someone on Twitter yesterday told lawmakers where to stick their “thoughts and prayers”

In the wake of yesterday’s latest entry in the horrifying trend of American mass shootings (the 355th of the year), one person took to Twitter to provide some valuable information. Fed up with politicians offering meaningless “thoughts and prayers” (as the New York Daily News pointed out today, “God isn’t fixing this”), Igor Volsky, director of video and contributing editor at the nonprofit ThinkProgress, began responding to politicians’ meaningless tweets by listing the amounts they had received from the NRA. Some of these were downright paltry, with the price of a person’s soul available for only a thousand dollars:

As Volsky’s posts pointed out so frequently, none of these lawmakers offered any kind of concrete proposal to help change this egregious situation. Instead, they had accepted NRA contributions and promoted this association on their websites:

Today, New York Magazine notes that no politicians listed responded to Volsky, although some did take down their tweets or blocked him. Igor Volsky, your internet pals over here salute you. And are calling their congresspeople.

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